As we prepare to welcome your child back to school, we want you to know we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of your child.
The COVID-19 pandemic is scary for adults and is hard for children to understand. We want to create an environment where you feel safe leaving your child and where your child feels safe. Based on ODJFS rules and recommendations, you and your child will see some changes to our program. Some of those changes are outlined below. You can also find pandemic childcare resources for families at:
Please be patient and understanding as the procedures and guidance continue to evolve on an on-going basis. We will communicate changes as soon as we are informed of them.
Symptom Checks at Home
It is imperative that we are frequently doing symptom checks of our children at home. If your child is displaying any of the following symptoms, please keep them home and inform our office.
• A fever of 100 degrees or higher. This is one of the strongest COVID Symptoms.
• Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
• Persistent cough or runny nose
• Loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
*Children may be sent home based on symptoms or their behavior in the classroom (excessive crying or whining, sleepy, etc) regardless of temperature.
Thank you for doing your part in preventing the spread of germs!
Arrival & Departure Procedures
- Staff and Teachers are screened for symptoms daily.
- Teachers must wash hands: upon entering the building, each time they enter a classroom, before and after eating, touching face, encountering bodily fluids, and/or when visibly soiled, and at the end of each class
- Arrival & Departure Procedures Children & Families
- Please screen for symptoms at home prior to leaving for preschool.
- If anyone in the home is sick, considering keeping your preschool student home.
- Please DO NOT let siblings who are home sick from school into our building to accompany your preschooler.
- Please practice social distancing while waiting to enter the building.
- Face coverings are not required by anyone but may be worn at your discretion.
- Anyone who enters the building must have a temperature of under 100oF
- No shoes will be worn in the classrooms. You may wear slippers, wears socks, or go barefoot.
- Everyone should use the glass doors to enter and exit the school. Take your student directly to the bathroom to wash their hands and go potty. Then, hang up your student’s backpack and jacket and wait outside the classroom doors for the teacher to welcome you in.
- To pick up your child please enter through the glass doors, wash your hands, and wait outside the classroom doors for the teacher to dismiss your child to you.
Please, do not enter the classroom without being invited in.
Wearing Masks
When at school and indoors, masks are optional for students and staff.
We will continue to implement our ventilation protocols to bring in as much outside air as possible and provide air filtration by opening windows, using air purifiers in each classroom, and using fans.
Social Distancing
We will strive to maintain physical distancing in each classroom. We can do this by limiting the number of chairs at tables and/or creating small groups. We may implement staggered start times for larger events or split up into groups to reduce the amount of people in our building.
Additional Mitigation Strategies
We will continue to implement regular hand washing and educate students on proper respiratory etiquette (i.e., covering coughs and sneezes.).
Cleaning / Disinfection
We will continue to implement the same cleaning / disinfection procedures that were implemented last school year.
Health Screenings
Families/Staff continue to be required to perform daily health screenings and must stay at home when feeling ill and/or exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms.
Contact Tracing, Isolations, and Quarantines
We will continue to perform regular contract tracing in combination with isolation or quarantine mandates as set by the Ohio Department of Health or other state/local mandates. Note.
The Director may enact further restrictions based on COVID-related data and trends.